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Based on the accumulated ship management technology for 50 years, we provide reliable ship management services

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We provide the best services for the shipowners at the optimum cost through the vessel management know-how for the past 50 years.

Provide the best vessel management services/emphasis on safety operation,efficient management system, optimal seafarers pool
Safety operation management of the vessels does
not be achieved in the morning of the day.
POS SM has the accumulated experience for all the
areas of vessel management from A to Z.
Optimized seafarers pool provides excellent seafarers
to meet the needs of the shipowners.
Ship management system accumulated with long experience
facilitates the efficient ship management.
Current state of managed fleets

The strength of POS SM is not just the scale of managed fleets.
POS SM has accumulated know-how of various ship kinds for many years.

Base date : September 01. 2021 (Unit: vessel)
Bulker:49/Tanker:16/LNGC:1/Wood Pulp:5/Container:2/SPV(Heavy Lift):2/TOTAL:75

In accordance with various ship kinds and the characteristics of the freight, we support the
systematic freight transportation and provide the high-tech vessel management services.

  • Specialized repair/ maintenance and safety management
  • Based on the accumulated know-how, we are responsible for the
    safety operation by grasping the current state of the ships accurately
    and taking preemptive actions against potential problems.
  • Operation support services
  • Marine experts who can support the safety of the vessels and efficient
    navigation work give the cooperation and advice over the ship
    navigation/ business in general.
  • Purchase/ procurement business
  • Through the transparent and efficient purchase, procurement work,
    we contributed to not only cost reduction but also to the improvement
    of ship navigation efficiency.
  • The newest IT system
  • POS SM developed "e-POS" which has been optimized for ship management business in 2017. This state-of-the-art IT system could carry out not only real-time monitoring of the ship's status, but also preemptive ship management business.