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THE POS VALUE / To ensure that all employees understand the management philosophy, we define 'POS VALUE'


Value Creation of the Life & Sharing Happiness

We will realize our dream and a better future by taking on challenges and changes.


Global Leading Ship Management Company

We aim to become a Global Leading Ship Management Company based on core values of POS SM.


World-Class Safety Manager

We prioritize the safety of our crew and ships, remain committed to fundamental principles, and never compromise on safety. Furthermore, we take the lead in protecting the marine environment.

Partner Pursuing Mutual
Coexistence based on Trust

We work together with all stakeholders, customers, partners, and local communities at every step of our journey, striving to create synergy.

We move toward a common goal with a positive mindset and spirit of teamwork, seeking the mutual growth and development of both the company and its employees.

Growth and Development of
Company alongside its Employees

We lead the future transformations and innovations in the ship management and marine industries with pride, setting the definitive standard for ship management.

Leader in the
Ship Management Industry